Quaker meeting house uxbridge ontario
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Society of Friends

The Society of Friends (Quakers) was founded by George Fox in England about 1650. they quickly expanded to Ireland and Wales and to Pennsylvania in the United States. The first Quakers to come to Canada did so during the American War of Independence.

The first Quakers to settle in Uxbridge arrived in 1805 by way of Newmarket. In 1809 a log meeting house was erected on the present site, and land acquired across the road for a burial ground. Deeds were registered for both properties.

While many of the original Quaker settlers and their descendants are buried in the cemetery, there is evidence that non-Quakers were also laid to rest.

Perhaps the most prominent grave is that of Joseph Gould (1808-1886), a noted local industrialist and parliamentarian. The earliest marked grave is that of Samuel James (1812), who died in infancy.